Ration Card Update – Rules regarding free ration have changed and are now mandatory for wheat and rice

Ration Card Update – Rules regarding free ration have changed and are now mandatory for wheat and rice

Ration Card Update – Recently, central and state governments have taken major steps to help people experiencing poverty, and the benefits are being reaped on a large scale. If you are using the free ration facility, there is no need to be nervous. You can benefit from bumper equipment from your home.

If you are also taking advantage of free rations, there are important points to keep in mind. In any case, the state government has framed new rules for the benefit of ration card holders, and the benefits are visible at the ground level.

 If your name is on the list of free ration cards, new rules are again created and must be followed under all circumstances. You will regret it if you miss this opportunity. This should not cause any problems.


If you benefit from free wheat and rice, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the important new rules. You may be wondering what kind of facilities you can easily enjoy the benefits of.

It is now compulsory for all members to make a thumb impression, and there is no problem. Not only this but according to the new rules, ration customers have to go to the store under any circumstances and then mark their thumbs there. Distribution facilities will be available only after keeping them. New rules have been implemented in Gonda.

How many ration cards are there in the district?

The public distribution system in the Gonda district has about 540,000 eligible households and about 65,000 households are connected to the Antyodaya ration card.

Through 1789, Kotedars, wheat and rice were distributed free of charge every month. There are approximately 100,000 beneficiaries on the ineligible list. Police attempted to confirm their identities but were unable to do so.

Monthly thumb health check

Official sources said people whose names are on the ration cards are working to collect all the rations. Thumb examinations are performed monthly.

In the case of last month’s story, it would be possible for one person to receive next month’s distribution simply by inserting another member’s thumbprint. This should not cause any problems.

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Ration Card Update - Rules regarding free ration have changed and are now mandatory for wheat and rice
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Ration Card Update - Rules regarding free ration have changed and are now mandatory for wheat and rice
Ration Card Update - Rules regarding free ration have changed and are now mandatory for wheat and rice
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Jobs Ada
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