Career Growth vs Career Development in 2024
Detailed information about Career Growth vs Career Development – Although often used as interchangeable terms, career growth and career development are two different concepts, each focusing on a different aspect of professional advancement.
Although they may address different things, the two go hand in hand, and although possible, it is rare to have one without the other.
This article explores each in turn, what sets them apart, and how to approach both for a successful and rewarding career.
What is career growth?
Career growth is the process of climbing the career ladder. Often achieved through promotion, it is moving from your current position to a higher one.
For example, if you start your working life as a junior designer and become a lead designer after three years, you have achieved career growth. The next step on the ladder might be the head of design or creative director.
Although promotions are the most common form of professional advancement, your career development plan may include moving from your current employer to a higher-level role within a new organization.
The term career lattice is also used to refer to career growth. The term is a modern interpretation of organizational structure and suggests that growth is no longer simply a matter of going up, but may also involve sideways steps.
For example, a sales executive may become a sales and marketing executive before advancing to a sales and marketing lead.
In essence, career development is moving from point A to point B, resulting in increased responsibility, and forms the basis of many long-term career goals.
What is career development?
Career development is an ongoing process that involves self-awareness and improvement.
You improve your knowledge, skill set, and relationships when you develop professionally. These improvements prepare you for career growth.
For example, you might focus only on written content in an entry-level marketing role. Still, you learn to create visuals and videos over time, enhancing your skill set and broadening your horizons. Huh.
You may start your career with little or no managerial experience, but go the extra mile to develop leadership skills that prepare you for future promotions.
These are just two examples of career development, and there are many more ways you can improve your professional self as you work toward career development opportunities. (Career Growth vs Career Development)
What is the difference between career growth and career development?
The difference between career growth and career development can be put in a few ways:
Growth can be measured, whereas development is more about quality. Promotion is easy to quantify because it comes with a title change and a salary increase. Conversely, development is only sometimes a measurable result. It’s more about identifying strengths and weaknesses, making changes, and striving to improve.
Development is ‘what and where,’ development is ‘how.’ The position you intend to hold in five years, your career development path, and how you get there to determine the short-term career goals that constitute your development.
Growth is rooted in strategy, but growth is transformative. To achieve growth, you will need to plan and plan your progress on the career ladder. To achieve growth, you must continually develop yourself to become a better, more fulfilled, and confident employee.
Growth is achieved in the long term, and growth continues. You may only be successful in your career development plan for a few years, but you will go through continuous growth.
Why is career growth and development important?
Work is a major aspect of life for most people, and without advancement and progress, a career can become stagnant. This can lead to boredom and frustration and, in severe cases, negatively impact a person’s quality of life.
Together, growth and development form the foundation of a successful career plan that leads to increased satisfaction, enjoyment, and rewards.
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