10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain

10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain

10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain

Sitting for a very prolonged period can seriously affect your brain health. So, the following are the 10 reasons why it happens.

  1. Cognitive decline – Many studies have shown that holding a sedentary behaviour for a long time can result in impaired cognitive function and increased risk of severe neurological conditions.
  2. Mood changes – When we hold on to sedentary behaviour for a long period then, it causes a lot of mood disorders like Anxiety and depression.
  3. Reduction in blood flow – Continuous sitting for longer periods of time can restrict blood flow upwards, increasing the risk of various neurological conditions.
  4. Poor concentration – Continuously sitting for long hours can make your brain go numb, which results in mental fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and, most importantly, decreased productivity.
  5. Poor posture – The discomfort we experience when sitting for long hours has a serious impact on our cognitive functioning and body posture. It can cause several postural deformities around the neck and back.
  6. Increased stress levels – Prolonged sitting can significantly trigger stress levels, which can negatively impact your brain and cognitive functioning.
  7. Increased risks of stroke – Long sitting hours can seriously impact your cardiovascular health. It may increase the risk of strokes, which is not a good sign.
  8. Reduced brain plasticity – Reducing our daily activity increases the risk of reduced brain plasticity, which impacts the ability of our brain to adapt to new things and change its response to a new environment.
  9. Decreased brain – It s a very important protein for proper brain functioning is called Derived Neurotrophic Factor BDNF. By sitting for long hours, this protein’s production gets lower.
  10. Delay in information processing – Prolonged sitting hours can cause brain fatigue, which makes it difficult for your brain to think quickly and make appropriate decisions.

Ensure regular break intervals between your work. Maintaining good posture and engaging in regular physical activity can help promote good mental and brain health.

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10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain
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10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain
Know about these 10 Reasons why 10 Hours Daily sitting is Harmful to Your Brain. A mind blowing information that will blow your mind.
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