Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter

Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter

Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter

The cold and dry breeze also comes when winter leaves our eyes irritated, red, and thirsty. So, the following are some of the best tips you can follow to prevent dry eyes this winter.

  1. Stay hydrated – Dry eyes can be a sign of serious dehydration. So, ensuring the intake of plenty of water can help your eyes and body work properly.
  2. Protecting your eyes while outdoors – You should wear sunglasses in winter to protect your eyes from UV rays. Yes, even in winter, UV rays are harmful to your eyes and skin. Apart from this, you can ensure healthy foods in your diet, like leafy vegetables, carrots, fish, etc.
  3. Blinking regularly – A reduced blinking rate can be a foremost reason for dry eyes in winter as it restricts the flow of tears in the eyes. To deal with this situation, you can try the 20-20-20 rule, in which you can take a 20-minute break after every 20 minutes of work and then start focusing on something that is 20 feet away.
  4. Using a humidifier indoors – Increasing the levels of humidity in the home can leave your eyes dry. So, using a humidifier becomes essential as it promotes moisture in the air, which helps prevent dry eyes.
  5. Use eye drops or artificial tears – Using eye drops when your eyes feel dry can give you instant relief. Keeping a small bottle of eye drops can be very beneficial. Also, before using any eye drops, seek professional guidance.

Winter is a season of joy and love, so don’t make it a burden on your eyes and health. Stay Healthy, and Happy Winter.

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Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter
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Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter
Know these Best 5 Eye Care Tips to Prevent Dry Eyes in winter. A very helpful article for those who are worried about this issue.
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