7 Foods to Build a Strong Immunity that Can Help You Combat Air Pollution

7 Foods to Build a Strong Immunity that Can Help You Combat Air Pollution

7 Foods to Build a Strong Immunity that Can Help You Combat Air Pollution

Foods to Build a Strong Immunity – Our body’s immune system is the best defense against illnesses and infections. Various key factors play a crucial role in strengthening your immunity.

Diet is also one of them. Ensuring a diet full of nutritious foods helps promote good health and an immune system. Following are the foods that you can add to your diet to transform your immune system:-

Garlic – Garlic is well known for its flavor-enhancing properties, but many people forget that it contains an allicin compound with antimicrobial properties. That’s why it reduces the risk of colds and other infections.

Citrus fruits – Citrus fruits are well known for their vitamin C content, which acts as a powerful antioxidant in improving immunity. It also helps in the formation of white blood cells, which combat infections. Foods like lemons, grapefruits, and oranges are rich in vitamin C.

Ginger – Ginger helps strengthen the immune system because of its antimicrobial properties and reduces inflammation in the body caused by a sore throat and other factors.

Turmeric – Turmeric plays a significant role in Indian households. It is a spice with various properties, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risks of infections.

Almonds – Almonds play a very important role in ensuring a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. They are a great source of vitamin E, which helps maintain a healthy immune system and protect the body’s cells from damage.

Yogurt – Yogurt is well known for its pro-biotics and is a gut-friendly food. A healthy gut micro biome initiates a healthy immune system.

Fresh green leafy vegetables – Green leafy vegetables are rich sources of vitamins A, C, and other antioxidants, which help maintain the good health of mucous membranes and act as barriers to pathogens. Examples are kale, spinach, and Swiss chard.

The following foods are rich sources of essential minerals, vitamins, and immunity-boosting components that help foster your immune system. Ensuring all these foods and other positive lifestyle habits are in your diet can provide a tremendous overall healthy being.

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7 Foods to Build a Strong Immunity that Can Help You Combat Air Pollution
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7 Foods to Build a Strong Immunity that Can Help You Combat Air Pollution
Know these 7 of the best Foods to Build the Strong Immunity that Can surely Help You to Combat Air Pollution, and you live healthy life.
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chandigarh news
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