How to Become a Computer Programmer – Chandigarh News Latest Chandigarh News Wed, 14 Dec 2022 13:58:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Become a Computer Programmer – Chandigarh News 32 32 How to Become a Computer Programmer in 2024 Wed, 14 Dec 2022 13:58:19 +0000 How to Become a Computer Programmer in 2024 Computer programmers usually require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a

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How to Become a Computer Programmer in 2024

Computer programmers usually require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related discipline. Most programmers specialize in several programming languages.


Computer programmers typically require a bachelor’s degree in computer and information technology or a related field, such as mathematics.

However, some employers hire workers with other degrees or experience in specific programming languages. Programmers in particular areas like healthcare or accounting can take courses to complement their computer-related degrees.

Additionally, employers may prefer to hire candidates who have gained experience through internships.

Most programmers learn computer languages ​​in school. However, a computer science degree gives students the skills to learn a new computer language quickly.

Students will gain experience writing code, testing programs, fixing bugs, and completing many other tasks they will perform on the job.

To keep up with changing technology, computer programmers may take continuing education courses and attend professional development workshops to learn a new programming language or upgrade one they already know.

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Licensing, Certification, and Registration

Programmers may be certified in a specific programming language or vendor-specific programming product. Some companies require their computer programmers to be licensed in their products.


Programmers with general business experience may become computer systems analysts. With experience, some programmers may become software developers.

 They may also be promoted to management positions. For more information, see Profiles for Computer Systems Analysts, Software Developers, and Computer and Information Systems Managers.

Important qualities

Skills of analysis. Computer programmers must understand complex instructions to create computer code.

Communication skills. Although computer programmers write code alone, they must have practical communication skills to coordinate work on large projects with team members and managers.

Attention to detail. Computer programmers must scrutinize the code they write, modify, or test because a small error can affect the entire computer program.

Ability to solve problems. Programmers check the code for errors and fix any they find.

Job prospect

Employment of computer programmers is projected to decline by 10% from 2020 to 2030.

Despite the decline in employment, an average of about 9,700 computer programmer jobs are expected to open each year over the past decade.

These job vacancies are expected to be due to the need to replace workers who have moved to other occupations or withdrawn from the labor force (e.g., retired).

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Computer programming can be done anywhere worldwide, so companies sometimes hire programmers in lower-wage countries. As a result, job growth for computer programmers in the U.S. may be limited.

However, the high costs associated with managing projects for overseas programmers can sometimes offset the savings from lower wages, leading some companies to return programming jobs or keep them in the United States.


In May 2021, the median annual salary for computer programmers was $93,000. The median wage is when half of the workers in an occupation are paid more than that amount, and the other half are paid less. The bottom 10% earned less than $47,560, and the top 10% earned more than $155,240.

The median annual salaries for computer programmers in the top industries where they worked in May 2021 are as follows:

  • Software Publisher $102,370
  • Financial insurance 99,260
  • Manufacturing 98,320
  • Computer system design and related services 79,860

Most computer programmers work full-time.

The post How to Become a Computer Programmer in 2024 appeared first on Chandigarh News.

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