Know How to Respond to “What Makes You Unique?” in an Interview in 2024
While each interviewer will have a set of questions related to the position being sought after, there are a few more generalized abstract inquiries that are frequently asked. “What sets you apart? One of these can be “,” and it can appear in interviews for a variety of roles.
Because it’s so difficult to respond to on the fly, interviewees frequently get caught off guard. To answer it successfully and effectively, pay attention to the advice we’ve provided below.
Know about How to Respond to “What Makes You Unique?” in an Interview
The purpose of the question “What Makes You Unique?
Interviewers are attempting to learn more about your character and personality when they ask you to describe what makes you special.
They want to know what you consider to be significant in terms of the position you are applying for as well as the talents and traits you value in yourself.
The interviewer is not very interested in your strange party antics or eccentric habits, therefore this question is not actually about what makes you truly distinctive.
They are interested in learning what makes you stand out from other applicants in terms of the potential value you could provide to the business.
This question helps them delve deeper into how you set yourself apart from the competition because they may be interviewing a number of individuals with very similar experience and credentials.
This question is also used by interviewers to gauge a candidate’s level of creativity. Such general inquiries as “What makes you unique? ” ask candidates to think quickly, and a strong response demonstrates to the interviewer that you have creative abilities, which are important in many kinds of professions.
Common Errors to Avoid
Interviewees frequently get caught in traps while discussing what makes them special because it is challenging to provide a good response to this topic. Here are some frequent mistakes to avoid.
Oversharing. Keep it professional; interviewers want to know about your pertinent abilities and traits.
being very general. You won’t get very far with generic responses or responses without examples. You want to highlight something unique about yourself and explain how this will help you contribute significantly to the team.
Rambling. Keep your answer focused, succinct, and to the point rather than rambling on and on.
Lying. It can be tempting to give an answer that isn’t quite truthful under the pressure of an interview in an effort to impress the interviewer. Make sure your response is sincere because you’ll probably be exposed.
self-talking oneself out of a position. Be careful not to provide a response that deviates from what the business is seeking. When applying for a position that necessitates a lot of autonomous, focused work, for instance, talking about your gregarious nature and love of conversation may not be the best move.
By considering the question before the interview and planning your response in advance, you can avoid all the pitfalls and errors mentioned above.
Here are some pointers to assist you in crafting the greatest possible response.
What to Think About When Crafting Your Response
As was said above, when interviewers inquire as to what makes you special, they are seeking a response that explains why you would be a benefit to their business and the most qualified applicant for the position. You must therefore prepare a response that informs them of this.
The job description is the ideal place to begin. To fully comprehend what is expected of a candidate, go over the skills and experience required.
Next, consider what you may bring to the position that other applicants might not. You might have specific experience in this area or important extra abilities that weren’t listed in the job description.
Always keep it pertinent to the position you’re applying for. Your special skill should complement the traits required for the position because employers in various industries will have varied requirements.
For a managerial position, for instance, you might wish to exhibit excellent leadership, risk-taking propensity, or communication abilities. You might emphasise your discretion or your precise attention to detail to land a job in finance.